# Translators note : # Some ref/comment are given when it might be ambiguous # Don't translate any STR_LANG.. instead create a new variable with STR_LGS_YOURLANGUAGE and your name (see other STR_LANG for examples). STR_LGS_ENGLISH : Krinn (english) STR_LGS_FRANCAIS : Krinn (français) STR_AWARD_GOOD : {GREEN}{CHECKMARK}{BLACK} - {GREEN}{STRING}{}{BLACK}{STRING}{}{RIGHT_ARROW} {STRING} STR_AWARD_BAD : {RED}{CROSS}{BLACK} - {STRING}{}{BLACK}{STRING}{}{RIGHT_ARROW} {STRING} STR_MEDAL_GOOD : {GOLD}{STRING}{}{BLACK}{STRING}{}{RIGHT_ARROW} {STRING} # The welcome page STR_WELCOME_TITLE : Welcome STR_WELCOME : Welcome to the Awards game script{}{}You will earn awards (3 types: easy, meduim and hard) and medals while playing openttd. This version offer {NUM} awards and medals{}{}- {YELLOW}Medal{BLACK} : Medals are specials, they are persitant and pay the most, but are also the most hard to get and need specials conditions to be earn. But once gain it's forever as long as the company remain alive. They are also specials as they cannot be seen even with the unhide option{}Medals can be seen in the {SILVER}{STRING}{BLACK} page.{}{}- {YELLOW}Award{BLACK} : Awards can be lost, if you no more met the conditions to earn it, or somone else stole it from you... Some can be earn by everyone, generally the easiest.{}Once someone earn an award others players will see it appears, so until someone earn it, awards are hidden. You have a game script option to makes award title appears to everyone.{}Awards can be seen in their category page : {SILVER}{STRING}{BLACK}, {SILVER}{STRING}{BLACK} and {SILVER}{STRING}{BLACK}{}{}You will earn points from getting awards & medals depending on there level of difficulty :{}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NUM} points for an easy award{}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NUM} points for a medium award{}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NUM} points for an hard award{}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NBSP}{NUM} points for a medal{}You can look at the {SILVER}{STRING}{BLACK} page to see who own the most points.{}{}This script is license under the GNU General Public License version 2 or more. {COPYRIGHT}Krinn 2013 STR_TRANSLATE : Credits for translators :{}{STRING} {STRING} {STRING} {STRING} {STRING} {STRING} {STRING} {STRING} {STRING} {STRING} {STRING} {STRING} {STRING} {STRING} STR_TRANSLATE_OPT : {STRING} {STRING} STR_IGNORE : {SKIP} STR_RANK_TITLE : Rank STR_VEHICLE_TITLE : Vehicle Awards STR_ECONOMY_TITLE : Economy Awards STR_MISC_TITLE : Miscellanous Awards STR_REWARDS_TITLE : Rewards STR_MEDALS_TITLE : Medals STR_GREEN : {GREEN}{STRING} STR_YELLOW : {YELLOW}{STRING} STR_ORANGE : {ORANGE}{STRING} STR_RED : {RED}{STRING} STR_RANK : {NUM} - {COMPANY} with {NUM} points STR_AWARD_OWN : Own by {COMPANY} since {DATE_LONG}. {STRING} STR_AWARD_OWN_MULTI : Own by {NUM} compan{P y ies} : {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} {COMPANY} STR_AWARD_NOT_OWN : Not own by anyone STR_AWARD_HIDDEN : (hidden) STR_NEWS_VEHICLE : VEHICLE AWARD STR_NEWS_ECONOMY : ECONOMY AWARD STR_NEWS_MISC : MISCELANOUS AWARD STR_NEWS_MEDAL : *** MEDAL *** STR_NEWS : {STRING}{}{}{}{COMPANY} has gain {NUM} points with the award{}{STRING} STR_KEY_0 : The bee Queen STR_DESC_0 : Having the biggest number of vehicle STR_INFO_0 : With {NUM} vehicle{P "" s} STR_OPT_0_13_15 : STR_KEY_1 : Mad Max STR_DESC_1 : Having the most {LORRY} STR_INFO_1 : With {NUM} vehicle{P "" s} STR_OPT_1_11_11 : STR_KEY_2 : You talkin'to me? STR_DESC_2 : Having the most {BUS} STR_INFO_2 : With {NUM} vehicle{P "" s} STR_OPT_2_11_10 : STR_KEY_3 : I'm the king of the world ! STR_DESC_3 : Having the most {SHIP} STR_INFO_3 : With {NUM} vehicle{P "" s} STR_OPT_3_12_10 : STR_KEY_4 : Pennydarren STR_DESC_4 : Having the most {TRAIN} STR_INFO_4 : With {NUM} vehicle{P "" s} STR_OPT_4_12_12 : STR_KEY_5 : Chuck Yeager STR_DESC_5 : Having the most {PLANE} STR_INFO_5 : With {NUM} vehicle{P "" s} STR_OPT_5_12_14 : # As http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airwolf STR_KEY_6 : Airwolf STR_DESC_6 : Owning the most choppers STR_INFO_6 : With {NUM} vehicle{P "" s} STR_OPT_6_13_15 : STR_KEY_7 : Ludicrous speed ! STR_DESC_7 : Have the fastest vehicle in game STR_INFO_7 : With {VEHICLE} powered by {ENGINE} running at {VELOCITY} STR_OPT_7_11_30 : # the music group, ref to i've got the power title STR_KEY_8 : Snap! STR_DESC_8 : Have the most powerful vehicle STR_INFO_8 : With {VEHICLE} powered by {ENGINE} with {POWER} STR_OPT_8_12_30 : STR_KEY_9 : Overflow STR_DESC_9 : The first to reach any vehicle limit STR_INFO_9 : STR_OPT_9_0_10 : STR_KEY_10 : Forest Gump STR_DESC_10 : Having a ridiculous number of vehicles compare to others STR_INFO_10 : STR_OPT_10_113_10 : STR_KEY_11 : De Dion Bouton STR_DESC_11 : Owning the oldest vehicle running around STR_INFO_11 : With {VEHICLE} built at {DATE_LONG} STR_OPT_11_13_365 : STR_KEY_12 : Apollo 13 STR_DESC_12 : Run a big plane on a small airport STR_INFO_12 : STR_OPT_12_110_15 : STR_KEY_13 : Trans-Siberian STR_DESC_13 : Owning the biggest railway STR_INFO_13 : With {NUM} rails STR_OPT_13_12_60 : STR_KEY_14 : Highway to hell STR_DESC_14 : Owning the most number of road pieces STR_INFO_14 : With {NUM} road pieces STR_OPT_14_13_60 : # teenage mutant... STR_KEY_15 : Ninja Turtle STR_DESC_15 : Owning the least road pieces while having a lot road vehicles STR_INFO_15 : STR_OPT_15_11_10 : STR_KEY_16 : Google STR_DESC_16 : Building the company with the most value in 5 years STR_INFO_16 : Acclaims by investors as the highest young company of value. STR_OPT_16_23_60 : STR_KEY_17 : Madoff STR_DESC_17 : Having the poorest account STR_INFO_17 : With a debt of {NUM} STR_OPT_17_23_30 : STR_KEY_18 : The Big Apple STR_DESC_18 : For living in a big city that never sleeps STR_INFO_18 : At {TOWN} STR_OPT_18_0_55 : STR_KEY_19 : The First Qin Emperor STR_DESC_19 : Having the most number of statues STR_INFO_19 : With {NUM} statue{P "" s } STR_OPT_19_21_180 : STR_KEY_20 : 1.21 gigawatts ! STR_DESC_20 : Be in love with industries producing energy STR_INFO_20 : Servicing {NUM} industr{P y ies} STR_OPT_20_23_33 : STR_KEY_21 : Harry Callahan STR_DESC_21 : You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk? STR_INFO_21 : STR_OPT_21_131_180 : STR_KEY_22 : Battle of Alamo STR_DESC_22 : Having your station surround by opponents STR_INFO_22 : STR_OPT_22_122_50 : STR_KEY_23 : The One Ring STR_DESC_23 : For trying to rule them all STR_INFO_23 : STR_OPT_23_123_50 : STR_KEY_24 : Panama STR_DESC_24 : Having the most canals built STR_INFO_24 : With {NUM} canal{P "" s} built STR_OPT_24_13_70 : STR_KEY_25 : Relativity STR_DESC_25 : Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity. STR_INFO_25 : STR_OPT_25_133_60 : # name STR_KEY_26 : Stock Exchange STR_DESC_26 : The first to handle all cargos ! STR_INFO_26 : STR_OPT_26_0_22 : STR_KEY_27 : Who wants to be a millionaire? STR_DESC_27 : The first to delivers a million cargo STR_INFO_27 : STR_OPT_27_0_25 : # stephen king, shining STR_KEY_28 : The Overlook Hotel STR_DESC_28 : Having a height station, under snow and... alone... STR_INFO_28 : It's freaky to live at {STATION} STR_OPT_28_0_60 : STR_KEY_29 : The Grinch STR_DESC_29 : Not really in love with a snow town STR_INFO_29 : At {TOWN} STR_OPT_29_0_30 : STR_KEY_30 : The White House STR_DESC_30 : Having your headquarter built STR_INFO_30 : STR_OPT_30_131_40 : STR_KEY_31 : Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley STR_DESC_31 : Having an headquarter she appreciates STR_INFO_31 : STR_OPT_31_0_45 : STR_KEY_32 : Jim Profit STR_DESC_32 : Handling the most cargo STR_INFO_32 : With {NUM} cargo{P "" s} handled : {CARGO_LIST} STR_OPT_32_23_25 : STR_KEY_33 : Waiting staff STR_DESC_33 : Delivers 10000 cargos to towns STR_INFO_33 : STR_OPT_33_121_0 : STR_KEY_34 : Chief STR_DESC_34 : Delivers 100000 cargos to towns STR_INFO_34 : STR_OPT_34_122_0 : STR_KEY_35 : World Food Program STR_DESC_35 : Delivers 300000 cargos to towns STR_INFO_35 : STR_OPT_35_123_0 : # aka Blondie or the Good STR_KEY_36 : Man with no name STR_DESC_36 : After a meal there's nothing like a good cigar STR_INFO_36 : goods STR_OPT_36_123_30 : # aka The bad STR_KEY_37 : Angel Eyes STR_DESC_37 : Why are you going under the name Bill Carson now? STR_INFO_37 : value, gold, diam STR_OPT_37_123_31 : # aka The ugly STR_KEY_38 : Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez STR_DESC_38 : Don't die, I'll get you water. Stay there. Don't move, I'll get you water. Don't die until later STR_INFO_38 : STR_OPT_38_123_32 : STR_KEY_39 : The Good, the Bad and the Ugly STR_DESC_39 : The first owning the Dollars Trilogy awards STR_INFO_39 : Own awards : {STRING}, {STRING} and {STRING} STR_OPT_39_0_39 : STR_KEY_40 : Dispatcher STR_DESC_40 : Delivers 10000 cargos to industries STR_INFO_40 : STR_OPT_40_121_0 : STR_KEY_41 : Manager STR_DESC_41 : Delivers 100000 cargos to industries STR_INFO_41 : STR_OPT_41_122_0 : STR_KEY_42 : Tycoon STR_DESC_42 : Delivers 300000 cargos to industries STR_INFO_42 : STR_OPT_42_123_0 : STR_KEY_43 : Ewing's familly STR_DESC_43 : Delivers 100000 Oil STR_INFO_43 : STR_OPT_43_123_32 : STR_KEY_44 : Time machine STR_DESC_44 : Own a road vehicle that can reach 88mph STR_INFO_44 : With {VEHICLE} powered by {ENGINE} running at {VELOCITY} STR_OPT_44_112_40 : STR_KEY_45 : Walter Sobchak STR_DESC_45 : This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass! STR_INFO_45 : Having one of your road vehicle destroyed STR_OPT_45_133_0 : STR_KEY_46 : J.F. Sebastian STR_DESC_46 : They're toys. My friends are toys. I make them. It's a hobby. I'm a genetic designer STR_INFO_46 : STR_OPT_46_122_0 : # southpark s03 STR_KEY_47 : Getting Gay With Kids is here STR_DESC_47 : There's a place called the rainforest that truly sucks ass STR_INFO_47 : STR_OPT_47_123_0 : STR_KEY_48 : Back to the Future STR_DESC_48 : The first to own {STRING} and {STRING} STR_INFO_48 : STR_OPT_48_0_0 : STR_KEY_49 : Gabriel STR_DESC_49 : You are not a musician, why the horn so ? STR_INFO_49 : With {NUM} soul{P "" s} collected STR_OPT_49_33_0 : STR_KEY_50 : We are the Borg STR_DESC_50 : Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile. STR_INFO_50 : STR_OPT_50_123_0 :