/* WmDOT-TEST-GS v.1, r.145 [2011-12-28], * adapted from WmDOT v.6 r.116 [2011-04-27] * Copyright © 2011 by W. Minchin. For more info, * please visit http://openttd-noai-wmdot.googlecode.com/ * OR http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=53698 */ class WmDOT_GS_Test extends GSInfo { function GetAuthor() { return "W. Minchin"; } function GetName() { return "WmDOT-Test-GS"; } function GetDescription() { return "An GameScript that tests building and removal of roadtiles by MinchinWeb"; } function GetVersion() { return 1; } function MinVersionToLoad() { return 1; } function GetDate() { return "2011-12-28"; } function GetShortName() { return "TEST"; } // 0x576D7D7E function CreateInstance() { return "WmDOT"; } function GetAPIVersion() { return "1.2"; } function UseAsRandomGS() { return true; } function GetURL() { return "http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=53698"; } // function GetURL() { return "http://code.google.com/p/openttd-noai-wmdot/issues/"; } function GetEmail() { return "w_minchin@hotmail.com"} function CreateInstance() { return "WmDOT_GS_Test"; } } /* Tell the core we are an GS */ RegisterGS(WmDOT_GS_Test()); // Requires: // SuperLib, v.16 // MinchinWeb's MetaLib, v.2 // Queue.Fibonacci_Heap v.2