*** OpenTTD Crash Report *** Crash at: Thu Feb 10 00:34:55 2011 In game date: 109-10-04 (73) Crash reason: Signal: Segmentation fault (11) Message: OpenTTD version: Version: r22012M (2) NewGRF ver: 110055fc Bits: 64 Endian: little Dedicated: no Build date: Feb 7 2011 22:36:17 Stacktrace: [00] bin/openttd(_ZNK12CrashLogUnix13LogStacktraceEPcPKc+0x39) [0x6a67c9] [01] bin/openttd(_ZNK8CrashLog12FillCrashLogEPcPKc+0xf0) [0x593170] [02] bin/openttd(_ZNK8CrashLog12MakeCrashLogEv+0x84) [0x593414] [03] bin/openttd() [0x6a6734] [04] bin/openttd() [0x70bb11] [05] /lib64/libc.so.6(+0x32a60) [0x7fecbfee3a60] [06] bin/openttd() [0x723a03] [07] bin/openttd(_Z20MoveBuoysToWaypointsv+0xba) [0x723e8a] [08] bin/openttd(_Z13AfterLoadGamev+0x21c4) [0x70ede4] [09] bin/openttd(_Z10SaveOrLoadPKci12Subdirectoryb+0x1df) [0x721a4f] [10] bin/openttd(_Z8SafeLoadPKci8GameMode12SubdirectoryP10LoadFilter+0xac) [0x69410c] [11] bin/openttd(_Z12SwitchToMode10SwitchMode+0x2f4) [0x694444] [12] bin/openttd(_Z8GameLoopv+0x1bd) [0x69507d] [13] bin/openttd(_ZN15VideoDriver_SDL8MainLoopEv+0x1e1) [0x7c8bc1] [14] bin/openttd(_Z8ttd_mainiPPc+0xf8a) [0x693cfa] [15] /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xfd) [0x7fecbfecfb7d] [16] bin/openttd() [0x4c9069] Operating system: Name: Linux Release: Version: #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-12-13 11:13:53 +0100 Machine: x86_64 Compiler: GCC 4.5.0 "4.5.0 20100604 [gcc-4_5-branch revision 160292]" Configuration: Blitter: 8bpp-optimized Graphics set: original_windows (0) Language: /mnt/disk2/spiele/OpenTTD/trunk/bin/lang/german.lng Music driver: extmidi Music set: original_windows (1) Network: no Sound driver: sdl Sound set: original_windows (0) Video driver: sdl AI Configuration (local: 0): 0: Human 1: AdmiralAI (v25) 3: Denver & Rio Grande (v1) 4: NoCAB (v495) 5: trAIns (v2) 6: OtviAI (v312) 7: AdmiralAI (v25) Libraries: FontConfig: 2.8.0 FreeType: 2.3.12 LZMA: 4.999.9beta LZO: 2.03 PNG: 1.2.44 SDL: 1.2.14 Zlib: 1.2.3 ---- gamelog start ---- Tick 49540: game loaded Conversion from TTO savegame Revision text changed to r22012M, savegame version 160, modified, _openttd_newgrf_version = 0x110055fc New game mode: 1 landscape: 0 ---- gamelog end ---- *** End of OpenTTD Crash Report ***