class WmDOT extends AIInfo { function GetAuthor() { return "William Minchin"; } function GetName() { return "WmDOT"; } function GetDescription() { return "An AI that doesn't compete with you but rather builds out the highway network. Like many real world governement departments, it is still looking for a revenue stream. r.4"; } function GetVersion() { return 1; } function MinVersionToLoad() { return 1; } function GetDate() { return "2011-02-09"; } function GetShortName() { return "DOT_"; } function CreateInstance() { return "WmDOT"; } function GetAPIVersion() { return "1.0"; } function GetSettings() { AddSetting({name = "MinTownSize", description = "The minimal size of towns to connect", min_value = 100, max_value = 10000, easy_value = 100, medium_value = 500, hard_value = 1000, custom_value = 300, flags = AICONFIG_INGAME, step_size=50}); AddSetting({name = "DOT_name1", description = "DOT State (first letter)", min_value = 0, max_value = 26, easy_value = 0, medium_value = 0, hard_value = 0, custom_value = 0, flags = 0}); AddLabels("DOT_name1", {_0 = "Default", _1 = "A", _2 = "B", _3 = "C", _4 = "D", _5 = "E", _6 = "F", _7 = "G", _8 = "H", _9 = "I", _10 = "J", _11 = "K", _12 = "L", _13 = "M", _14 = "N", _15 = "O", _16 = "P", _17 = "Q", _18 = "R", _19 = "S", _20 = "T", _21 = "U", _22 = "V", _23 = "W", _24 = "X", _25 = "Y", _26 = "Z"}); AddSetting({name = "DOT_name2", description = "DOT State (second letter)", min_value = 0, max_value = 26, easy_value = 0, medium_value = 0, hard_value = 0, custom_value = 0, flags = 0}); AddLabels("DOT_name2", {_0 = "none", _1 = "A", _2 = "B", _3 = "C", _4 = "D", _5 = "E", _6 = "F", _7 = "G", _8 = "H", _9 = "I", _10 = "J", _11 = "K", _12 = "L", _13 = "M", _14 = "N", _15 = "O", _16 = "P", _17 = "Q", _18 = "R", _19 = "S", _20 = "T", _21 = "U", _22 = "V", _23 = "W", _24 = "X", _25 = "Y", _26 = "Z"}); AddSetting({name = "Hwy_Prefix", description = "Highway Prefix", min_value = 0, max_value = 4, easy_value = 0, medium_value = 0, hard_value = 0, custom_value = 0, flags = 0}); AddLabels("Hwy_Prefix", {_0 = "Match DOT name", _1 = "Hwy", _2 = "I-", _3 = "US", _4 = "RN"}); } } /* Tell the core we are an AI */ RegisterAI(WmDOT());