*** OpenTTD Crash Report *** Crash at: Sun May 2 17:27:37 2010 In game date: 0-01-01 (0) Crash reason: Signal: Aborted (6) Message: Assertion failed at line 102 of /home/progman/openttd/trunk/src/os/unix/unix.cpp: path[strlen(path) - 1] == PATHSEPCHAR OpenTTD version: Version: r19751 (0) NewGRF ver: 11004d27 Bits: 64 Endian: little Dedicated: no Build date: May 2 2010 18:58:09 Stacktrace: [00] ./openttd(_ZNK12CrashLogUnix13LogStacktraceEPcPKc+0x3c) [0x6775bc] [01] ./openttd(_ZNK8CrashLog12FillCrashLogEPcPKc+0xe5) [0x593c05] [02] ./openttd(_ZNK8CrashLog12MakeCrashLogEv+0x70) [0x593d00] [03] ./openttd [0x67750f] [04] /lib/libc.so.6 [0x2ade39a09270] [05] /lib/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x35) [0x2ade39a09205] [06] /lib/libc.so.6(abort+0x10e) [0x2ade39a0a57e] [07] ./openttd [0x667425] [08] ./openttd(_Z15FiosIsValidFilePKcPK6direntP4stat+0xb4) [0x677954] [09] ./openttd [0x5b0ed6] [10] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [11] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [12] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [13] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [14] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [15] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [16] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [17] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [18] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [19] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [20] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [21] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [22] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [23] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [24] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [25] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [26] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [27] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [28] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [29] ./openttd [0x5b0fae] [30] ./openttd(_Z15ScanForTarFilesv+0xa6) [0x5b1066] [31] ./openttd(_Z14DeterminePathsPKc+0x185) [0x5b1355] [32] ./openttd(_Z8ttd_mainiPPc+0x778) [0x668b38] [33] /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf4) [0x2ade399f65e4] [34] ./openttd(__gxx_personality_v0+0x2d1) [0x4b87e9] Operating system: Name: Linux Release: 2.6.20-gentoo-r8 Version: #3 SMP Sun Apr 4 23:02:07 CEST 2010 Machine: x86_64 Compiler: GCC 4.1.2 "4.1.2 (Gentoo 4.1.2)" Configuration: Blitter: none Graphics set: none Language: none Music driver: none Music set: none Network: no Sound driver: none Sound set: none Video driver: none AI Configuration (local: 0): Libraries: FontConfig: 2.6.0 FreeType: 2.3.9 LZO: 2.02 PNG: 1.2.26 SDL: 1.2.13 Zlib: 1.2.3 ---- gamelog start ---- ---- gamelog end ---- *** End of OpenTTD Crash Report ***