dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\novacity\info.nut:1/18: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\novacity\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\novacity_new\info.nut:1/18: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\novacity_new\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\novaxs\info.nut:1/18: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\novaxs\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\RealGrowth-6\version.nut:7/19: free variables cannot be modif ied dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\RealGrowth-6\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\content_download\game\RealGr owth-6\info.nut line [1] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\RealGrowth-6\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\Simple_City_Builder-2013.11.10\info.nut:14/19: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\Simple_City_Builder-2013.11.10\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\xShuntercbmy\info.nut:53/12: expected '=' dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\xShuntercbmy\info.nut' dbg: [script] Registering two scripts with the same name and version dbg: [script] 1: C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\content_download\game\Awards -1\main.nut dbg: [script] 2: awards-1\main.nut dbg: [script] The first is taking precedence. dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error balanced_city_growth-3\version.nut:1 /17: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'balanced_city_growth-3\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] balanced_city_growth-3\info.nut line [6] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'balanced_city_growth-3\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error beginner_tutorial__game_script-17\in fo.nut:5/20: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'beginner_tutorial__game_script-17\info .nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error city_growth_limiter-2\info.nut:7/19: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'city_growth_limiter-2\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error citybuilder-98\version.nut:7/20: fre e variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'citybuilder-98\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] citybuilder-98\info.nut line [1] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'citybuilder-98\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error neighbours_are_important-15\version. nut:1/19: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'neighbours_are_important-15\version.nu t' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] neighbours_are_important-15\info.nut line [12] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'neighbours_are_important-15\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error realgrowth-6\version.nut:7/19: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'realgrowth-6\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] realgrowth-6\info.nut line [1] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'realgrowth-6\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error renewed_city_growth-1\version.nut:1/ 17: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'renewed_city_growth-1\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] renewed_city_growth-1\info.nut line [5] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'renewed_city_growth-1\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error servergs-2\version.nut:7/19: free va riables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'servergs-2\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] servergs-2\info.nut line [21] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'servergs-2\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\CityBuilder-98\version.nut:7/20: free variables cannot be mod ified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\CityBuilder-98\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\content_download\game\CityBu ilder-98\info.nut line [1] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\CityBuilder-98\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\novacity\info.nut:1/18: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\novacity\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\novacity_new\info.nut:1/18: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\novacity_new\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\novaxs\info.nut:1/18: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\novaxs\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\RealGrowth-6\version.nut:7/19: free variables cannot be modif ied dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\RealGrowth-6\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\content_download\game\RealGr owth-6\info.nut line [1] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\RealGrowth-6\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\Simple_City_Builder-2013.11.10\info.nut:14/19: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\Simple_City_Builder-2013.11.10\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\con tent_download\game\xShuntercbmy\info.nut:53/12: expected '=' dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\conte nt_download\game\xShuntercbmy\info.nut' dbg: [script] Registering two scripts with the same name and version dbg: [script] 1: C:\Users\Honza\Documents\OpenTTD\content_download\game\Awards -1\main.nut dbg: [script] 2: awards-1\main.nut dbg: [script] The first is taking precedence. dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error balanced_city_growth-3\version.nut:1 /17: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'balanced_city_growth-3\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] balanced_city_growth-3\info.nut line [6] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'balanced_city_growth-3\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error beginner_tutorial__game_script-17\in fo.nut:5/20: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'beginner_tutorial__game_script-17\info .nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error city_growth_limiter-2\info.nut:7/19: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'city_growth_limiter-2\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error citybuilder-98\version.nut:7/20: fre e variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'citybuilder-98\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] citybuilder-98\info.nut line [1] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'citybuilder-98\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error neighbours_are_important-15\version. nut:1/19: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'neighbours_are_important-15\version.nu t' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] neighbours_are_important-15\info.nut line [12] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'neighbours_are_important-15\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error realgrowth-6\version.nut:7/19: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'realgrowth-6\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] realgrowth-6\info.nut line [1] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'realgrowth-6\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error renewed_city_growth-1\version.nut:1/ 17: free variables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'renewed_city_growth-1\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] renewed_city_growth-1\info.nut line [5] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'renewed_city_growth-1\info.nut' dbg: [misc] [Squirrel] Compile error: Error servergs-2\version.nut:7/19: free va riables cannot be modified dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'servergs-2\version.nut' Your script made an error: free variables cannot be modified CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] servergs-2\info.nut line [21] LOCALS [this] TABLE dbg: [misc] [squirrel] Failed to compile 'servergs-2\info.nut'